Eligibility for different membership
1. Membership
1.1 Categories of membership: There shall be five categories of membership, designated Full Member, Affiliate Member, Student Member, Honorary Member, and Corporate Member. The general term Member when used, shall refer to all categories of membership, including the member representative of a Corporate Member (Clause 1.1.4).
1.1.1 Full Member: Any person with a Degree, Diploma or Certificate from a recognized University, College, Institute or similar institution in any branch of Food Science and Technology or an Allied Field, is eligible to become a Full Member. A research investigator or teacher whose work involves a general knowledge of the broad principles of food science and technology or anyone who has a minimum of five years of technical experience in the field, is also eligible to become a Full Member. Only a Full member with 2 continuous years of full membership is eligible for Life Membership.
1.1.2 Affiliate Member: An executive, administrator of official active in any aspect of food industry or management who evidences interest in supporting the activities of AFSTI, shall be eligible to become an Affiliate Member.
1.1.3 Student Member: Any person undergoing a full-time curriculum of study in Food Science and Technology or an Allied Field or any Apprentice in those fields is eligible to become a Student Member.
1.1.4 Honorary Member: A person who has outstanding academic or professional achievements in food science and technology/food industry or one who has rendered signal service to the cause of upliftment of society in relation to Food and Nutrition for many years can be considered eligible for Honorary Member by CEC and should be ratified by AGBM.
1.1.5 Corporate Member: Any organization connected with the food and allied industries is eligible to become a Corporate Member on an annual, five-yearly or permanent donor basis. A Corporate Member will nominate one representative who fulfils the qualifications prescribed for Full Member (Clause 1.1.1).
1.1.6 Right to vote and election to Office: Except Affiliate, Student and Honorary Members, all other categories of members, including the representative of a Corporate Member, will have the right to vote and stand for elective office of AFSTI.
1.1.7 The qualifications for the five membership categories for persons or organizations can be waived by the Executive Council at its discretion, on the recommendations supported with the reasons of the Credentials Committee (Clause 5.1).
1.2 Obligations: Each AFSTI member in every category shall be expected;
1.2.1 To acquaint himself / herself with the Memorandum and Rules and Regulations of AFSTI and to uphold and foster them in a worthy manner.
1.2.2 To conduct himself / herself in all circumstances in such a way to enhance the dignity, the ethical standards and the professional integrity of AFSTI.
1.2.3 To utilize his/her scientific and technological expertise to advance the objectives of the Association
1.3 Period and Register:
All membership subscriptions and administrative matters will be reckoned in
terms of a calendar year, commencing January
1st and ending December 31st. A register of all
categories of Members will be maintained and kept up-to-date at Headquarters
and in each Chapter.
Membership Checklist
Ø Application form should be completely filled.
Ø Life and Full Membership applicants : Declaration signed copy (self declaration) with Endorsement by the Two AFST(I) Life Members AND Self attested copy of degree Certificate is compulsory. Download here: Declaration and Endorsement Form
Ø Student Membership Applicants : Declaration signed copy (self declaration) and Endorsement by Head of the Department / Institution with Seal and Signature also with the Students Course Name and Academic Year is compulsory. Student can not upgrade their membership to Full or Life membership as renewal.
Ø DD/Cheque should be drawn in favor of AFST(I) payable at Mysore.
Ø The Membership Fee in the table is inclusive of Goods and Service Tax (GST 18%) w.e.f. 1st July, 2017
Ø Admission Fee with every new membership.
Ø Apply online Membership is compulsory.
Ø Ph.D. Scholar Students/Research Fellows are not considered as Student Members, but eligible as Full Members.
Ø Students and Affiliate Members are not eligible for Life Membership.
Ø Annual memberships [Full, Affiliate, Corporate and Students (students after 2 yrs term)] expire on at end of December every year. Student members who have completed their 2 years term will have to renew as full member in case if they have completed their studies. Or Student Members who wish to continue in the same category need to enclose a letter from the Head of their Institution certifying the bona fides of the claim and send to afstimys@afsti.org
Renewal Procedure: Members who want to renew
may please visit our website (www.afsti.org) and register membership online and
while filling the payment details, take Offline Payment option and fill it with
details of DD/Cheque or NEFT with date and submit to complete renewal
formalities and also send the payment details to afstimys@gmail.com as
mentioning the subject Towards Renewal of Membership.
Ø Members will receive Print copy of Indian Food Industry Mag (IFI Mag), and online access to Journal of Food Science and Technology (JFST).
Ø Voting rights to elect Central Executive Committee (CEC) of AFST(I) online and compete for the various offices of AFST(I) except Student and Affiliate members.
Ø Discounted rates for AFST(I) events like IFCoN and ICFoST.
Ø Be a part of the largest and strongest Association of Food Scientists and Technologists in India.
Ø And many other professional benefits like backing of a Network of Food Professionals worldwide.
Corporate Membership
Membership Benefits
Ø 25% discount on advertisement in INDIAN
Ø The Membership valid from January to
December each year.
Ø Representation in Editorial board of
Indian Food Industry Mag.
Ø Discount in Event registration fee of
Ø Discount in Stall charges of Food Expo
at various events of AFST(I).
Ø Logo display on website of AFST(I).
Ø Corporate portal on website to publicize
their events (4-5 lines brief and photograph of the event).
Ø Free Subscription to Indian Food
Industry Magazine.
Ø Voting right to elect Central Executive
Committee of AFST(I).